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unequal treaty中文是什么意思

用"unequal treaty"造句"unequal treaty"怎么读"unequal treaty" in a sentence


  • 不平等条约


  • 54 . the struggle to revise the unequal treaties
    54 .为修改条约的艰苦斗争
  • Revision of the unequal treaties and ties with neighboring countries
  • Encroachment by the western powers and revision of the unequal treaties
  • Through unequal treaties , russia seized more than 1 . 5 million square kilometres of chinese territory
  • After the 2 opium wars , shanghai became the forward position of the exchange between the east and west by unequal treaties
  • In 1840 , the opium war broke out between britain and china . since then , britain gradually invaded many coastal areas and imposed a series of unequal treaties upon china
  • On behalf of the qing government he presided over the signing of unequal treaties such as the sino - british yantai treaty , the sino - french new treaty , and the peace treaty of 1901
    他曾代表清政府签订了一系列不平等条约,例如《中英烟台条约》 , 《中法新约》 ,以及1901年的《和平条约》 。
  • The port was opened to foreign trade by the qing rulers in 1863 as a consequence of the treaty of peking one of the " unequal treaties " which opened up treaty ports and provided bases for the expansion of imperialist powers into china
  • For example , they had a verbal battle with foreigners , propaganda the proposals of abrogating unequal treaties and realizing the china ' s independent and liberation , conveyed good intentions promoting the friendship between the chinese people and foreigners , etc . generally speaking , the chinese people paid close attention to diplomacy and activly participated diplomacy in the 1920s . they had made a remarkalbe achievement
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"unequal treaty"造句  


“Unequal treaty” refers to treaties signed with Western powers, during the 19th and early 20th centuries by the Qing Dynasty China and late Tokugawa Japan after suffering military defeat by the foreign powers or when there was a threat of military action by those powers. The term is also applied to treaties imposed during the same time period on late Joseon Dynasty Korea by the post-Meiji Restoration Empire of Japan.
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